Sunday, June 7, 2009

June is set to be a busy month

This month will be loaded with many fun things to do, but also with work to do, to be able to enjoy these fun events.

Here are the fun events I will be able to enjoy this month

Pirate adventure
volunteer appreciation evening
School festival
ladies night out
Ladies birthday lunch celebration
Annual street party
Aerial experience
Craft club

Here is the work still to be done on the above events:

Pirate adventure - pick the date(I am waiting to see the forecast so we go when the weather is nice) - send the mail out to those that were interested and have them call to book as well
The date is picked and the mail sent out, reservations have been made. I will blog all about the adventure after we go.
We have gone and I have posted a blog about our experience.

Volunteer appreciation evening - I organized the invitations, so all that is needed now from my end is to send the person organizing the food the numbers
Numbers have been sent out and I am done. The event is ready to roll.
The event is completed and was successful.

School festival - wrap boxes for raffle items and have them prepared for the raffle - wrap items in packaging if needed - volunteer the day of
The boxes are wrapped, items labeled and ready to go.
The event is now complete and was very successful. The kids had a blast there all day with their friends, and fun games and cotton candy and sno cones. They had a great time. By the end of the day we were all zonked and ready for bed.

Ladies night out - The date is picked and the mail sent out - now I just need the numbers. The numbers are in, and the mail sent the hostess.
The ladies night out was so much fun. We had some great conversations on everything under the sun. What a way to spend a night out with friends.

Ladies birthday lunch celebration - The date is picked, The place is picked, the mail is sent out and again I am just waiting on the numbers
The numbers are in, and the potluck list organized.
The event was great and we had a chance to sit and eat great food and catch up on all of our lives.

Annual street party- organized today what everyone will bring. Need to confirm a few more guests are coming, and then pretty much just buying what I need and setting up the night before and day of
I have bought what I need, and we organized all the games today. Now it is pretty much setting up.
The day is done and was a huge hit. I am so happy that so many people came out to celebrate. We all had a great day. The fire truck came, we had a police car come, we had a clown performing juggling acts. Everyone had so much fun. We have a great street full of wonderful people. We are very lucky.

Aerial experience- booking the date and arranging child care after school
Date is booked and child care arranged.
I am very sad, that our adventure has been canceled because the place is not open yet. We were all set to go for tomorrow, and booked, but the new person who took our reservation did not realize they were not open till the day after, and since I have other events booked during the week, we won't be able to go now until our August planned adventure with my sister and her kids.

Craft club - Is now prepped and ready to go. Now it is just getting through 3 full classes.
Is completed until the fall.

Fun things are happening this month...

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