Thursday, April 23, 2009

My never ending week

This week just seems to be never ending with endless things to do and get done. Not all of it bad, but just alot in one week. I find that some weeks, there is nothing and then other weeks are chalk a block full of activities, events and things to do..

So far this week,
I have cleaned my house from top to bottom, even though it is looking like that needs to be done again.
I had a 2 hour meeting at my kids school,
attended a surprise baby shower at which I could only attend for 20 minutes, as hubby couldn't come home early to pick up the kids from school and I had to go.
I have had multiple children to pick up from school due to parents hair appointments, a funeral and doctors appointments.
I attended our coffee club
Worked my part time city job 3 days this week
Did laundry, and there is still more to do
attended the school council meeting
Started working on the minutes of the meeting and completed the minutes
Hosted a litter less lunch display at my child's school, on earth day and cleaned it up
Made photocopies for numerous newsletters at the school to go home to students
I went grocery shopping
gardening shopping
got gas for the car,
put fertilizer down on the lawn
went out with my ladies friends and played Bingo
brought all my garage sale items to moms, setting up for the garage sale and this Saturday along with a bday party K is attended I will be having a garage sale.

I am going to be really happy when Sunday rolls around and the new weeks starts.. I am exhausted.

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