Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lots to do

OMG!!! I have so much to do in the next two months and a few things are at at a stand still at the moment.

I have to get a move on, on planning the school's annual craft fair, but until we hear if we have the gym that day or not, I can't really move forward. We are hoping to hear in the next few weeks.

*****The gym has been requested and we hope to here soon. I dropped off the form Monday morning, so we have to wait to get the approval. Once we have approval, things will start to roll. *****Well we heard earlier than expected. The gym's use has been approved. I have sent emails to the local papers to advertise, have sent emails to the school secretary to print up a few things on letter head so we can start mailings to previous crafters and try to get donations for the silent auction. I have volunteers starting to commit to helping. I have volunteers agreeing to deliver flyers closer to the date. Things are starting to fall together.*****

I have craft club starting up in October and luckily for me, I have a friend working on finding the crafts and buying the supplies but I have to plan for the Christmas craft club in November and prep all the crafts.

*****I have picked the crafts for the Christmas Craft club. I feel good that I have them picked, now it is just buying the supplies and prepping. I will wait till November to get that done.*****

I have Ladies night out group to keep up to date, playgroup to keep up to date and then I have my PT job.

I have classes starting next week, but because of low registration at the moment, we are not sure if they are running. My normal class is running, but the 2 other ones I agreed to take on, are up in the air. I should know more on Monday. If they are a go, I have a lot of prep to do to be prepared for those classes.

*****Looks like all 3 classes will run. I am very happy. Now I have some prep work to do. I printed out some ideas for all my classes. I think it will be a learning experience the first time round. *****So far all my classes are going well. I am learning things every class. *****

I have costumes to make for the annual halloween party we attend(Hubby and I are dressing as Wears Waldo and Wenda). I am going to knit the hats, and I have shirts and stockings to find in white and red stripes. I hope it isn't to hard to find.

***** I picked the up the yarn for the Waldo hats, but I have yet to start them. I will pretty soon. I have a month and a little bit to knit 2 hats.*****I started the hats last night. I don't think it will take me very long to complete. *****I have 1 hat done, 1 more to go.*****

I have back to school clothes shopping to do for the kids, since I sorted through their fall clothes the other day and they have outgrown every single pair of pants they own. They are going to cost me a fortune.

*****I have completed the shopping. We went on the weekend and spent $200 on pants for the kids. They should be good now until Christmas, when I will buy them a couple new outfits*****

I have Christmas gifts to finish up. I am currently making beaded bookmarks and wine charms for Christmas gifts. Then I have to package them up.

*****I have finished my beading. Now I am wrapping and stamping. I have bought the boxes for the wine charms and I have packaged, ribbon ed and tagged them. I have found a origami box pattern online, and I created them this weekend out of wrapping paper for the bookmarks. They look pretty good. I just need to buy tissue paper, and wrap them with ribbon and make tags. I will try to finish those by next weekend. *****I have wrapped the bookmarks. Soon I will be starting Beaded Santa ornaments that I will have to make, box, ribbon and tag. Oh, how I love doing things like this.*****

I am helping my daughter create beaded bag charms for the school's annual craft fair. We are just starting, and there is a tonne to do.

*****We have made about 34 bag charms. I would like to see her have 100, just in case they are popular, but we will see how many she can do. If we create 80. I will be happy with that. ***** We are now at a count of 49. It shouldn't take us to much longer to make it to 80 or maybe we will get to 100.***** We have finished the bag charms. They are neatly put aside until the craft fair day. K is so excited.*****

I am getting my gardening done, and plants transplanted for next spring. I have bushes to move, but have to wait until they lose their leaves, so I know it is safe to move them. I also have fall clean up of outdoor stuff, but will wait till the weather gets a bit cooler.

*****I have moved about 1/2 of the plants I want to move. I think I will do a few more today, since the weekend is going to be cool and rainy. I hope they survive.*****I have moved the rest that I am going to move this fall. I have some Lilac bushes to move and some hosta's but I will wait until the spring, just so I know it is safe. I don't want to kill my bushes.*****

I am in the midst of fall cleaning my house. I have just done the carpet cleaning. There is still so much to do.***** Today I worked on taking out Thanksgiving decorations, cleaned out the closets and moved some winter and summer stuff around in preparation for the cold weather ahead.*****

The list goes on and on and on. I could go on all day, but I don't want to bore you. So much to do and so little time. Well that is what it feels like today.


Amanda said...

Isn't it funny how we totally over schedule ourselves to the point of exhaustion? I think if we didn't we would feel like we didn't have enough to do LOL

Lizzy Borden said...

I agree. I would rather be busy than not.