Tuesday, October 7, 2008

running the craft fair

I have been at the planning process for the craft fair for a few weeks now and so far things are going pretty smoothly. We still need volunteers and crafters, donations for the silent auction, donations of books and baked goods, but things are slowly falling into place. I am hoping within the next week or two, we will have all our crafters and volunteers signed up.
Yesterday I popped into the school and booked the CD player and DVD/VCR/TV for the kids corner for the day. Also I dug through the bin of supplies and wrote a list of things we will need for this year. It isn't to much thankfully, just a few bits and bobs.

One frustrating event that happened. I just received an email from the band leader and now we might not be able to have the full band play due to board rules.. Ahhhh.. That is very frustrating. I am not sure now what we are going to do about this, but it seems to me, we are raising money for the school, surely something can be done for the band to play.

We will see how it all plays out.

1 week until the craft fair - Here is where we stand.
  1. We have 0 tables left to rent out and anyone signing up will have to bring their own. The incentive there, is that they save $5. We have 3 people who are interested but haven't confirmed by signing up. I have collected most payments, and a few still have to pay for their table.
  2. We have a pile of books at the school that have been donated by parents and we still have time to collect more. With only a week to go, we are doing very well with books.
  3. I have a stock pile of donations in my living room for the silent auction with hopefully a bit more before the craft fair. They are all laid out on my table ready for wrapping. It is a pretty good selection of items. I think people will be happy with it.
  4. We have a good amount of people to volunteer their time delivering flyers which are printed and set to go out after halloween, setting up, running the craft fair and cleaning up
  5. We have a good amount of people baking baked goods for the bake sale
  6. We have music students ready to play for us that day.
  7. We have posters made, coloring pages and crayons ready
We have alot accomplished. This last week, we have the silent auction items to be wrapped and books to price. Advertisements to put up around the community and the volunteer schedule to get out. We are almost done.

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