Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year Resolutions

Happy 2009.

I am hoping this year, brings many happy surprises and fun.
Live life to the fullest.

Here is a list of some of the top resolutions people make(in black) and my reasons for not picking them as one of my resolutions this year(in blue)

  1. get a better job - No job is better than mine. I am a SAHM, and work very PT as a preschool instructor.
  2. get fit - I will keep up with my fitness regime, always striving for better
  3. lose weight - I am at a healthy and happy weight and will work hard to keep it that way
  4. reduce stress - I have very little stress and de-stress by working out
  5. quit smoking - I am not a smoker
  6. enjoy life more - I love my life
  7. quit drinking - I am not a drinker
  8. get out of debt - I only have my mortgage(18 more years) and car debt(0% interest)
  9. save money -I put aside $320 month into savings for emergencies or fun trips
  10. learn something new - I could always learn something new(this year I have joined a stampers group and will be learning something new each class)
  11. help others - I can always help others more
  12. get organized - I am a very organized person and try to keep everything in my life that way
What should my 2009 resolution be?
I think this year, will be a frugal year.
I will try to save more, and spend less.

I wish you luck in your resolutions and hope you accomplish many goals this year you may set for yourself.

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