Monday, July 20, 2009

Jillian Michaels

After succeeding with my 30 day shred, and still doing it.. I decided, that I would try more videos that Jillian Michael s has come out with. I tried the JM Banish Fat and boost metabolism which was a great cardio workout, and a week later, I tried the JM no more trouble zones, which to me is a way longer version of the 30 day shred, and was really good.

I have never been a work out video type of person. I prefer to work out in the great outdoors, but being home this summer with the kids, it is somewhat harder to get out of the house to do a good workout. I am still squeezing in my running, and when I don't run, I walk on the treadmill, and 5 days out of the week I am keeping up with the shred to keep in the weight training. I will squeeze the other videos in on the weekends in the mornings, before starting out the day.

I really like Jillian. I find her very motivating. If you are up for a new workout, or want a change, I definitely recommend all three of her videos. Great workouts.

1 comment:

Chantal said...

24 out of 450 teams? EXCELLENT WORK!

Well done.